It's my mission to help you reclaim your time and peace to experience lasting joy and wholesome family connection.
Children watch us constantly and are learning how to express themselves
Becoming a mother was one of the greatest gifts I received.
Like any new mom, I was so happy to be a mother, but was also overwhelmed with this new responsibility while trying to juggle a full-time job. Over time, I formed these bad habits during that first year. Yes...while soaking up all those wonderful moments with my daughter, I left no time for myself and eventually that took it's toll.
I over-exercised to cope with the stress, wasn't getting the proper nutrients to replace that activity, developed stomach issues, was anxious about most things, became too thin, was sick often, and generally cranky about life. I became bitter slowly over time, but no one could really see this except my family. We miss these things, because we reason that life's 'not so bad' because we're witnessing precious moments with our children.
While developing these negative mindset and unhealthy way of living, I had my second daughter. It all hit me one night when I was putting her to bed. I wondered how she would handle being a mother someday, what her hopes and dreams were, and what kind of little personality was awaiting the world. Saying my prayer to God, putting her in her crib, I very clearly heard the phrase, "Show her."
It became so clear....if I wanted a wonderful, meaningful life for my children, I was going to have to show them what it's like to live a life full of passion, joy, and adventure. So I began slowly changing my life - told myself, "Yes" and asked "Why not?" more.
I found my passion, horseback riding, began eating and exercising for ways that nourished my body, began prayers/affirmations, and with hard work, eventually quit my full-time job and began helping moms do the same!
Children watch us constantly and are learning how to express themselves
Becoming a mother was one of the greatest gifts I received.
Like any new mom, I was so happy to be a mother, but was also overwhelmed with this new responsibility while trying to juggle a full-time job. Over time, I formed these bad habits during that first year. Yes...while soaking up all those wonderful moments with my daughter, I left no time for myself and eventually that took it's toll.
I over-exercised to cope with the stress, wasn't getting the proper nutrients to replace that activity, developed stomach issues, was anxious about most things, became too thin, was sick often, and generally cranky about life. I became bitter slowly over time, but no one could really see this except my family. We miss these things, because we reason that life's 'not so bad' because we're witnessing precious moments with our children.
While developing this negative mindset and unhealthy way of living, I had my second daughter. It all hit me one night when I was putting her to bed. I wondered how she would handle being a mother someday, what her hopes and dreams were, and what little personality was awaiting the world. Saying my prayer to God, putting her in her crib, I very clearly heard the phrase, "Show her."
It became so clear....if I wanted a wonderful, meaningful life for my children, I was going to have to show them what it's like to live a life full of passion, joy, and adventure. So I began slowly changing my life - telling myself, "Yes" and asked "Why not?" more.
I found my passion, horseback riding, began eating and exercising for ways that nourished my body, began prayers/affirmations, and with hard work, eventually quit my full-time job and began helping moms do the same!
I see you burnt out, frustrated, and tired.
You love being a parent and want to soak up every minute watching your children grow, but at the same time, you feel like you need a break.
You love the idea of self-care, but don't know how to make time for it.
You feel like maybe you lost yourself to the busyness of life...
All of these wants leave you wanting to do something to help yourself, but don't have the energy or even know how to make time to do so.
Mom, I see you burnt out, frustrated, and tired.
You love being a mom and want to soak up every minute watching your children grow, but at the same time, you feel like you need a break.
You love the idea of self-care, but don't know how to make time for it.
You feel like maybe you lost yourself to motherhood a bit...
All of these wants leave you wanting to do something to help yourself, but don't have the energy or even know how to make time to do so.
You don't have to wrestle with these challenges any more!
Trust me...I was in your shoes years ago.
You're ready to feel like yourself again and be a patient, more loving mother.
You don't want to get away from your want to be there for them, for yourself, and your significant other.
But how are you supposed to do all of that on your own?
You don't have to wrestle with these challenges any more!
Trust me...I was in your shoes years ago.
You're ready to feel like yourself again and be a patient, more loving parent.
You don't want to get away from your want to be there for your family and yourself.
But how are you supposed to do all of that on your own?